
Where to eat?

Nourished by the sea, the island has inherited its flavours. For breakfast, lunch, picnics or dinner, whether at a restaurant, in a meadow or on a beach or a rocky outcrop, here’s your guide to the island’s eateries and catering establishments. They’ll entice you with delicious culinary discoveries. Chanterelle mushrooms, fresh berries, smoked fish, samphire from the shoreline marshes and slow-cooked dishes are sure to delight. Some establishments are open year-round upon request. Call to find out more.

Comptoir gourmand- Phare de l'Île Verte

  • Spécialités et aliments divers
  • Restaurants

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Comptoir Gourmand

Un comptoir gourmand pour l'été, au pied du Phare de l'île Verte, dans un paysage splendide! Délicieux produits pour emporter ou manger sur place. Boîtes repas et service de traiteur sur demande.Fermeture dimanche 12 septembre.

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